Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay --
Intorduction What is leadership?. If I look at my life, how I see leadership, what impact did something or somebody have on my life. What characteristic do I have or does a person need to make you a good leader?. Furthermore what is my role of being a good leader and am I successful in this role as a good leader or do I have gaps?. How do I close the gaps to become a great leader?. Can I say at the end I am a good leader in what I’m doing or am I on the right track of becoming a good leader. What is leadership Leadership is all around us, there are leaders at schools, at home, at work, on the sport field, in the government. The word leaders have many meanings, it can be somebody leading others by guiding them in a direction, showing them where to go, and then you have leaders who control or rule a group a good example is president. A leader can be somebody specific to a group; this could be the general manager of a company. Therefore, we can see leadership is everywhere. Where do leadership start for me? If I have to look in to my history from child wood until now, was there any leadership fundamental in me. I’m oldest of three brothers in the family, with a 7 year gap between us. So I would say as the elderly brother I always look out for them in a protective kind of way leading them away from harm and danger. As the year go on the focus of leadership change, I had to think of my way forward and not so much in holding their hands. For me at that time it was all about vision and passion, what impact I could have on the team. When I play sport I went out and gave 120% because of my passion and proudness, I think this has to do with me not having any support from my parents, I had to proof to them that I have something in me to ... of my success is that I had a couple of dreams; one was to becoming somebody in sport and the other was to be somebody from whom others could learn. As for the rest of it is there, but still need to work on them, bringing them together so that they can work as one. With dreams you have to have a vision, how you going to make this dream become a reality. Share your vision with others, your team wants to work with you to complete the vision. Ownership, make them believe it is there goals and vision. Communication, you need to have a good, effective communication with the right attitude. Furthermore, you need to be flexible, open-minded, thinks outside the box, and know that not all problems have the same solution. Conviction, a strong vision, and the willpower to see it through, because your team will not support or respect your vision if you don’t believe in it.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Demonstrative Communication Paper Essay
Demonstrative communication consists of accepting and sending messages that can be silent; this can help give attention for the start of verbal communication even though a non verbal communication can transmit the message all by itself. An example of this would be facial expressions, which can be used to express most non verbal communications. According to Nayab body language along with facial expressions represent 55% of all communication. With demonstrative communication it can highlight the verbal communication for instance appropriately dressed, a nice firm handshake and conducting oneself in a professional manner while on employment interviews. Another example would be when two people meet for the first time; demonstrative communication can either show that the other person is either friendly or unpleasant by just saying the word hello. The facial expression of a smile can demonstrate whether the person is in good spirits and have a friendly personality. A good way to figure this out without the verbal communication would be the smile and other gestures through the nonverbal communication of the other person. An example of this would be a two people doing business together and when they meet for the first time and both business men smile at each other. This would be a nonverbal communication. The way that a person’s personality is shown is through their nonverbal communication. Demonstrative communication can go both ways in being effective and negative. There are many different facts that play into the nonverbal communication, like the clothes that people wear, their tattoos and possibly their hairstyles. Although these types of communications are nonverbal it does make some people a little uneasy about how they handle their business with someone with this type of communication. It does not matter what the tattoo is of. It can be misunderstood by the person that is viewing the symbol and the person with the tattoo will be labeled as a thug or someone that you should not do business with. That is why body language and facial expressions can be very important when it comes to demonstrative communication. An example of body language that can be misunderstood would be when two people are talking and one person has their arms folded across their chest. This can be perceived as the person not listening or being considered overprotective of themselves and will not take criticism lightly. The person with the folded arms could just be cold or it is a learned gesture from their parents and that is how they listen. This is why many people would agree that demonstrative communication should not only have the nonverbal but also the verbal to go along with it so that people do not have any misunderstandings and the issue can be handled properly. According to Sutton, a person cannot fully deliver the anecdote of the day to anyone lacking words, except if the person can mime the entire tale (Sutton, 2011). Even if the person is able to mime they cannot express the entire issue perfectly. There has to be some degree of distance. This type of communication cannot always be expressed perfectly. An example of this would be that a person cannot convey the nonverbal communication over the phone and the person on the other end only has the verbal part of the communication and might take something the wrong way because they are not able to see the nonverbal part of the communication and that is where misunderstandings come in. Just like all other types of communication demonstrative communication requires listening and responding. It has been said time and time again that people receive more knowledge from someone’s actions more than their words. There are times when a person needs to listen not only with their ears but also with their eyes. An example of this would be when a new student has to get up in front of the class and introduce themselves, at first the new student may roll their eyes like so many do because they already know that it is hard enough to start school as the new kid but to have to stand up in front of everyone makes things even more intense. So the other kids have seen the new student roll their eyes but they also have to listen to what is being said because the action was just an annoyance for having to stand up in front of everyone. It is important to remember to listen as well as taking in the scene of what is going on around them. Both the verbal and nonverbal communication will create the listening and response aspect of the communication. In today’s world all around us there are people unknowingly using demonstrative communication. Just by smiling at their neighbor or waving at someone they are using demonstrative communication. Even though this communication can be misinterpreted or misunderstood it is still wise to try and listen to see if there is anything that the person is also saying. References: ReferencesCheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the workplace . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nayab, N. (2010, July 26). Different types of communication . Retrieved from, N. (2011, March 26). Pros and cons of nonverbal communication.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Elements of Public Health Issues - 700 Words
Introduction Public health significance refers the impact that a health hazard or health issue has for a collective group of people. In other words, the unit of analysis is the health of a population not the health of the individuals, per se, who make up that population. When a health hazard or health issue is determined to have public health significance, the determinants of public health become a focus. Widespread recognition for the impact of biosocial variables on health drives an institutional response to public health; it is imperative that communities, regions, states, and the nation develop systems to address issues that are significant to the public health. A medical or healthcare focus on the well-being of individuals is insufficient for addressing problems at a level of public health significance. Community-based medicine and public health. Essential public health services include those that provide information about diseases and health issues to the general public, that e nable public health workers to monitor the health of a community, and that foster the diagnosis and investigation of threats to community health. Of these three essential public health services, efforts to diagnosis and investigate health issues on a community level may have the greatest positive impact on the health of individual community members. A recent article in the New York Times magazine (Hansen, 2012) covered the community health problems in the Mississippi delta region, andShow MoreRelatedEvidence Based Policy Making And The Influence Of Intangibles1635 Words  | 7 PagesEvidence-based Policy-making and the Influence of Intangibles ‘The $200 Million Decision’ case study provides insight into agenda setting and policy formulation. It highlights the place of the social construction of issues and policy windows in agenda setting. 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