Saturday, February 15, 2020
Reflections Associated with I Just Wanna Be Average Essay
Reflections Associated with I Just Wanna Be Average - Essay Example Rose in this book presents his fellow students as products of environment they are in. During the time he was in vocational school, he is presented to us as an average student who is rarely noticed in class. Mike Rose is not limited by his brains but by his surrounding and the fact that he is a vocational student. It is ironic that in this particular category as student they are not expected to do well even by their own teachers. Students in this surrounding have low expectations and as a result, they perform poorly because that is what they are made to believe. In reality, there is a choice to perform well, but students in most cases follow the standards or levels set by the teachers. What makes this book outstanding is the fact that Mike Rose is placed in these classes as a result of confusion but, due to his strong character and determination he decides to take the enrollment. Even though, a student Rose closely examines his teachers and fellow classmates. Through his essay, he ex plains that his teachers act as if they do not want to teach; in a much-unexpected way, they use violence and lack of teaching plans to control students. This act negates the rule that students need motivation from their environment and especially their teachers. However, Rose looks at these from both sides and states that his fellow classmates do not express any desire to learn. Students in this essay paint learners who are into fights, parties and slacking off as non-performers and lack academic visions (Joy 2008). The value of student determination is illustrated through Rose because he has to travel to school using two buses. His first bus leaves him midpoint from South Los Angeles and second one takes him through forests and lots of flowers as he mentions in the essay. He also discovered some special qualities from his fellow students, which reveals one, fact that students are not as bad as they seem there is always what can be done. One of his classmates that caught his attent ion was Ken Harvey who always gave sincere answers. When asked about his expectations, he states, that he wants nothing but be average. Rose analyzes this situation further why Ken thought in such a way. He attributes these to the difficulties that students go through in their school years. Rose argues that life is wild and confusing at this particular stage of development and that by settling for low standards makes their lives a little bearable. These theory he later confirms when he joints a typical school. The standards that are set are high for him and he feels like he should be a common student, like Ken. The idea that students will always strive to achieve the set standards comes into play when Rose’s Dad dies. He is left alone and feels like he is not going to make it, fortunately at this particular time a man named Mr. McFarland is introduced as their English teacher, these man comes in with disorder and eccentrics. Despite these Rose finds he likes the teacher becau se he has his students at heart and encourages them to work hard. As a result of this attitude rose finds himself interested in learning more than ever, eventually the teacher convinces him to enroll for college education. Through his effort and encouragement from McFarland, Rose ends up perusing college education and finds his true self. This essay reveals many interesting facts about motivation in
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Secret Master Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Essay
Secret Master Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite - Essay Example That this knowledge is to be used in the service of all with whom the vows are contracted, needs to be stated. The expectation is not only that Secret 'Woe betide anyone who is striving for a rank and is not worthy of it.' Bearing in mind the secrets, oaths and responsibilities they incur, this warns the candidate that he had better be certain that he possesses the integrity and strength of character to live of up the role of Secret Master. The 'woe betide' may possibly be extended to the penalties, symbolic or otherwise. An individual may aspire to this level as a natural progression, and the Masonic ethos is to assist him in reaching his greatest potential. The final analysis of this warning is 'Do not try to be what you are not, nor to have ideas above your station.' The person considering himself worthy of this position must be of strong character, know his own mind, believe in his abilities and will meet the demands asked of him in the 4th Degree. Pike points out that if the individual has any other goals than to seek the truth and to serve others, then this is the time to stand back. The Threat is an opportunity to take stoc k. In the wider sense, outside the Lodge, a person of such ... rank and is not worthy of it.' Bearing in mind the secrets, oaths and responsibilities they incur, this warns the candidate that he had better be certain that he possesses the integrity and strength of character to live of up the role of Secret Master. The 'woe betide' may possibly be extended to the penalties, symbolic or otherwise. An individual may aspire to this level as a natural progression, and the Masonic ethos is to assist him in reaching his greatest potential. The final analysis of this warning is 'Do not try to be what you are not, nor to have ideas above your station.' The person considering himself worthy of this position must be of strong character, know his own mind, believe in his abilities and will meet the demands asked of him in the 4th Degree. Pike points out that if the individual has any other goals than to seek the truth and to serve others, then this is the time to stand back. The Threat is an opportunity to take stock. In the wider sense, outside the Lodge, a person of such character and ability can only be an asset to society. Vows of duty, fidelity and integrity are part of many ceremonies, (nuptials, Holy Orders and so forth)and when put into action, are positive attributes for any man or woman. To wish to use them to serve God, Nature and Mankind as a whole, is a noble and admirable desire, bringing benefits to he who lives by them and to those he serves. The threat links directly to the integrity demanded in the vows, for a Secret Master. The second Threat, 'Woe betide anyone who makes commitments not being able to cope 3. with' is connected closely to the duty inherent as a responsibility at this level. This duty is not just to Masonic brethren, but to all mankind, God, Nature and the Universe. To help
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