Friday, May 22, 2020
Rite of Passage and Social Roles - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 903 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Rite of Passage Essay Did you like this example? Growing up, I considered graduating from college to be a huge step in ones life. I always looked forward to my graduation, and that has been a motivation for me to work hard in school. I recently graduated from college, and I believe the event was life-changing for me. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rite of Passage and Social Roles" essay for you Create order Graduation helped me view myself as a winner since I had managed to go through school and completed despite the challenges that I encountered along the way. Graduating also helped me realize that I am a go-getter thus I can manage to anything I set my mind up to. Those around me, especially my friends and family were very supportive all through my education, and they congratulated me for achieving the degree. My family believed that the fact that I managed to graduate college means that I can also manage to further my studies. That was a great encouragement since it helped me realize that they believe in me and they also trust that I can even manage to do better.        Graduation comes with new roles. That is because this passage rite shows that one is fully ready to get into their career and start looking for work. I have always believed in being independent and graduating has been pushing me to move out of my parents, home and start living on my own. Of late I have had that huge urge to start living on my own since I believe that I am an adult now. My parents, however, believe that I should not rush anything.        I believe that graduating creates some responsibilities. One of them is that I have to take life with a lot of seriousness. I believe this is the time when I am supposed to figure out my life. Another responsibility involves making sober and good decisions. That is because I have to ensure that I make the right decisions from now onwards. One of the responsibilities that is often overlooked in being an excellent example in the society. I feel like I am obliged to be the best in my society and thus I will try my best to be a good example.        Graduating has contributed a lot regarding how I interact with other people. For example, my parents no longer consider me to be their little kid anymore, and thus we are interacting on a more mature level. My younger siblings, on the other hand, have started viewing me as their role model, and that has helped me gain more respect from them. I can now manage to interact with potential employers on a formal level, and thus I believe that graduating has helped in improving the interactions that I have with the people that are around me.        As the chief editor of a magazine, there are various roles that I consider to be very important and they have been of great help to me in my employment. One of the roles is being a team leader. This is a role that is the most important since it helps in ensuring that I get to lead my team appropriately and that we manage to produce the best results together. The other role is cooperation. Cooperating with my colleagues in my line of work is very important since it has helped in ensuring that we manage to work together in everything that we do. Through cooperation, we have managed to help each other and also learn a lot from each other. Serving faithfully is also one of the roles that I have as an employee. I have always strived to ensure that I perform to my best and that my employer is satisfied with what I do.        The main expectation of the roles is a good performance. In every workplace performance is considered to be very important and that is no different in my workplace. Through cooperation, we have managed to improve our performance and also learn the weaknesses that we have. We have also managed to learn from each other thus helping each other improve and get better as well. Being a team leader, I am expected to guide my team through and also oversee all the projects that are undertaken by the team. Therefore, that helps in determining whether I am a good leader as well. That also helps in showing whether I can be a role model to the people that I am leading.        I am proud of these roles since they have helped in making me a better person and also making me better at what I do. For example, I have come to realize that working together with people has a positive impact on my performance and that has also helped me improve on how I interact and work with other people in general. I am also proud of being a team leader since it has helped in improving my leadership skills and that has also helped in improving my confidence. I am now confident in what I do, and I believe that I will continue improving.        The roles have helped in changing my perceptions since they have helped me realize that being the best at what I do is not easy and that it requires a lot of commitment, hard work, and engaging with other people. The roles also act as a motivation for me to keep working hard since I believe that I still have a lot to learn and achieve.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
My Most Popular Kid Of School - 1305 Words
I felt a rush,i don t want to but i have to â€Å"You ready, trust me it will be fun†. â€Å"I am ready†. I jumped and then my life flashed before my eyes. I remembered everything,getting bullied kids telling me i hope you die o want you will.then my face turns red,my teeth are chattering,then i felt something on my face was i crying because of what they said to me.i remember one time they drew on my head because i have no hair.well it is not my fault that i have Leukemia. I also remember my doctor telling me that i only have six months to live,and i should make the best of it.what am i going to do in six months. My only wish is to be popular in my school and date luke.luke is the most popular kid in school he is the nicest,sweetest kid in my†¦show more content†¦I went to do my homework in my bedroom,but then i heard the doorbell. It was my friends faith and aidan. â€Å"Jadah the video is a hit†. â€Å"What video†? â€Å"The one when you went bungee jumping†. Said faith. â€Å"Children do you want to eat over†.said my mom â€Å"Mom we are not children we are all 12 years old†. That night me and faith talked about how bungee jumping was.Aidan just sat there and ate 3 burgers.Then i heard a ring it was faiths phone. Where mom called to tell her that it was time to go home,i said goodbye and then they left. â€Å"Honey why did you really go bungee jumping, i know you did not do it for the fun of it†. â€Å"Do you really want to know why mom†â€Å"Yes†. â€Å"I did it because i want to be popular at school that is my one wish before i die, and well to date luke†. â€Å"Honey you don t have to do crazy stuff to be popular†. â€Å"Yes you do mom you don t understand kids these days†. I stomped up to my room and slammed my door i felt guilty but then i felt something coming down my face. â€Å"O great i am crying again†. I felt like i was going to faint because i was crying so much.So i decited to pick out my cloths for the next day. I had to wear something nice because like faith said i am popular, or at least on the path to be popular. I think i am going to wear a $200 dress that my mom got me.It is not to puffy and also not to tight. I hung it up on my door. Then i put on my pajamas and i walked
My Most Popular Kid Of School - 1305 Words
I felt a rush,i don t want to but i have to â€Å"You ready, trust me it will be fun†. â€Å"I am ready†. I jumped and then my life flashed before my eyes. I remembered everything,getting bullied kids telling me i hope you die o want you will.then my face turns red,my teeth are chattering,then i felt something on my face was i crying because of what they said to me.i remember one time they drew on my head because i have no hair.well it is not my fault that i have Leukemia. I also remember my doctor telling me that i only have six months to live,and i should make the best of it.what am i going to do in six months. My only wish is to be popular in my school and date luke.luke is the most popular kid in school he is the nicest,sweetest kid in my†¦show more content†¦I went to do my homework in my bedroom,but then i heard the doorbell. It was my friends faith and aidan. â€Å"Jadah the video is a hit†. â€Å"What video†? â€Å"The one when you went bungee jumping†. Said faith. â€Å"Children do you want to eat over†.said my mom â€Å"Mom we are not children we are all 12 years old†. That night me and faith talked about how bungee jumping was.Aidan just sat there and ate 3 burgers.Then i heard a ring it was faiths phone. Where mom called to tell her that it was time to go home,i said goodbye and then they left. â€Å"Honey why did you really go bungee jumping, i know you did not do it for the fun of it†. â€Å"Do you really want to know why mom†â€Å"Yes†. â€Å"I did it because i want to be popular at school that is my one wish before i die, and well to date luke†. â€Å"Honey you don t have to do crazy stuff to be popular†. â€Å"Yes you do mom you don t understand kids these days†. I stomped up to my room and slammed my door i felt guilty but then i felt something coming down my face. â€Å"O great i am crying again†. I felt like i was going to faint because i was crying so much.So i decited to pick out my cloths for the next day. I had to wear something nice because like faith said i am popular, or at least on the path to be popular. I think i am going to wear a $200 dress that my mom got me.It is not to puffy and also not to tight. I hung it up on my door. Then i put on my pajamas and i walked
My Most Popular Kid Of School - 1305 Words
I felt a rush,i don t want to but i have to â€Å"You ready, trust me it will be fun†. â€Å"I am ready†. I jumped and then my life flashed before my eyes. I remembered everything,getting bullied kids telling me i hope you die o want you will.then my face turns red,my teeth are chattering,then i felt something on my face was i crying because of what they said to me.i remember one time they drew on my head because i have no hair.well it is not my fault that i have Leukemia. I also remember my doctor telling me that i only have six months to live,and i should make the best of it.what am i going to do in six months. My only wish is to be popular in my school and date luke.luke is the most popular kid in school he is the nicest,sweetest kid in my†¦show more content†¦I went to do my homework in my bedroom,but then i heard the doorbell. It was my friends faith and aidan. â€Å"Jadah the video is a hit†. â€Å"What video†? â€Å"The one when you went bungee jumping†. Said faith. â€Å"Children do you want to eat over†.said my mom â€Å"Mom we are not children we are all 12 years old†. That night me and faith talked about how bungee jumping was.Aidan just sat there and ate 3 burgers.Then i heard a ring it was faiths phone. Where mom called to tell her that it was time to go home,i said goodbye and then they left. â€Å"Honey why did you really go bungee jumping, i know you did not do it for the fun of it†. â€Å"Do you really want to know why mom†â€Å"Yes†. â€Å"I did it because i want to be popular at school that is my one wish before i die, and well to date luke†. â€Å"Honey you don t have to do crazy stuff to be popular†. â€Å"Yes you do mom you don t understand kids these days†. I stomped up to my room and slammed my door i felt guilty but then i felt something coming down my face. â€Å"O great i am crying again†. I felt like i was going to faint because i was crying so much.So i decited to pick out my cloths for the next day. I had to wear something nice because like faith said i am popular, or at least on the path to be popular. I think i am going to wear a $200 dress that my mom got me.It is not to puffy and also not to tight. I hung it up on my door. Then i put on my pajamas and i walked
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self-reliance Transcendentalism and Emerson Free Essays
â€Å"Self-Reliance†Juny Bernadin AML2000 12-Week 2 Professor Andrew Smith October 29, 2011 Thesis Statement ‘Self-Reliance’ has its value in its boldness, its construction, and mature attitudes toward evenness and letdown. In addition, Emerson’s confident logic seems impregnable. To Emerson, not only is self-doubt absolutely out of the question, but it is a virtue to believe that everyone believes as you do. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-reliance: Transcendentalism and Emerson or any similar topic only for you Order Now He writes that there is no value in life but personal principles and goals, and that society is irrelevant. â€Å"Self-Reliance†â€Å"Self-Reliance,†by Ralph Waldo Emerson, is a persuasive essay promoting the ways of inspirational views. He uses this essay to advance a major point using a structure that helps his argument. In Emerson’s essay, he begins his concluding thoughts with a statement that greater â€Å"self-reliance†and brings a revolution. He then applies this idea to society and all of its aspects, including religion, education, and art. This brings Emerson to a new, more precise focus on how societies never advance; rather it recedes on one side. This shocking, yet intriguing, idea supports and increases the uses of tone, image, example, and the consequence of ignoring his opinion. The result is an accumulation of ideas into the major points that, â€Å"Nothing can bring you peace but you. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. †With the major points and devices used by Emerson defined, it is now possible to examine in greater detail how he persuades the reader, starting with the use of tone. The use of word choice, sentence length, and structure, as well as many other factors set the tone of this paper. The result is a paper that has a provocative tone. A paper written in this authoritative style is helpful in his affiliation. It pulls the reader into the author’s ideas, making them your own. The tone of the paper allows descriptions to be extremely powerful in promoting Emerson’s ideas. The descriptions are numerous throughout the paper and there is a deep-seated one towards the end of the essay that really helps to shape it. â€Å"Society is a wave. The wave move onward, but the water of which it is composed does not. †The clear metaphor of society to the wave and the particles of water to the people distinctively demonstrate Emerson’s idea the society never advances. If a man is not self-confident and is unable to share himself with others, as people die so too does their experience. Nevertheless, the ability to be self-reliant eliminates this loss of experience. Although this metaphor is strong enough on its own to provide all of the support necessary for the idea that society never advances, Emerson adds to it and his other ideas with examples. The first examples used to support the lack of progression of society. The â€Å"civilized†man of the Americas and Europe compared to the â€Å"savages†of New Zealand. It is here that Emerson brings into question the digression in physical strength of men as he makes â€Å"advances. †These advances do just as much harm as good, making man lazy and indolent. Other areas that Emerson scrutinizes are the loss of skills that only years ago were essential, such as the ability to tell time by the sun, and the loss of attention to detail. With Emerson’s ideas clearly imbedded in our mind, and added by his style of inductive writing, he uses the consequences of ignoring him as the final blow in this battle to persuade. Although no consequence is clearly define, Emerson has made it more than clear what will happen if people do not become more individualistic. Society will stay as it is, no matter how many technological advances made. This fear of being no better nor advanced than previous eras is the most powerful motivator for change of all. Emerson’s challenge not to rely on fortune, rather to make things happen for you is exactly what he want it to be, motivational and persuasive. Conclusion In conclusion, the promotion of transcendentalism in Emerson’s essay â€Å"Self-Reliance†is the promotion of a way of better living according to Emerson. The structural support of self-reliance in â€Å"Self-Reliance†through tone, image, example, and the consequence of ignoring Emerson’s opinion achieves the goal of persuasion. This produces the final result of a vote for independence, telling, â€Å"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. †The promise of the transcendentalist of personal peace with the achievement of self-reliance would be nothing more than an outlandish idea without Emerson’s ability to structure and support his idea. Reference 1. AML2000 12 â€Å"Self-Reliance†by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Page 29 222, Oct 2011 2. AML2000 12 â€Å"Self-Reliance†by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Page 223, 29 Oct 2011 How to cite Self-reliance: Transcendentalism and Emerson, Papers
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